"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."
Victor Hugo

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent"
Victor Hugo


Upcoming Events

5 February 2025, Tel Aviv

Rossini –  Selections from Petite Messe solennelle

Beethoven – Piano Concerto No. 3

Pärt – Swansong

Tsfasman – Jazz Suite for Piano and Orchestra

Conductor - Andres Mustonen

The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra

Emek Hefer Chamber Choir & Alon Choir, Shimon Levtov Conductor


Sten HeinojaEvgeny Brakhman, piano
Shaked Strul, soprano
Nitzan Alon, mezzo-soprano
Ron Silberstein, tenor
Aare Saal (Estonia), baritone

Wednesday, 5 Feb-25, 20:00,  Assia Auditorium, Tel Aviv Museum of Art

Tickets for purchase at the JSO Website

6 February 2025, Jerusalem

Rossini –  Petite Messe solennelle

Beethoven – Piano Concerto No. 3

Pärt – Swansong


Conductor - Andres Mustonen

The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra

Emek Hefer Chamber Choir & Alon Choir, Shimon Levtov Conductor


Sten Heinoja, piano
Shaked Strul, soprano
Nitzan Alon, mezzo-soprano
Ron Silberstein, tenor
Aare Saal (Estonia), baritone

Thursday, 6 Feb-25, 19:30,  The Henry Crown Symphony Hall, Jerusalem Theater

Tickets for purchase at the JSO Website

 28 February 2024, Jerusalem

 Verdi’s Requiem

Conductor - Andres Mustonen

The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra

Emek Hefer Chamber Choir , Shimon Levtov Conductor

Israel Kibbutz Choir, Ronen Borshevsky Conductor


Elina Nechayeva , Soprano

Monika-Evelin Liiv, mezzo-soprano

Mati Turi, Tenor

Yair Polishuk, Bass

Wednesday, 28.02.2024 | 19:30 | Jerusalem Theatre, Henry Crown Hall

Tickets for purchase at the JSO Website

23 October Beer Sheva
Harlap Requiem , Mozart Vespearae Solennes, Schubert Unfinished Symphony, Avi Ostrowski, Conducting the Israel Sinfonietta Beer Sheva, Kfar sava Symphonic Choir (Ahron Harlap Musical Manager), Emeq Hefer Choir (Shimon Levtov, Musical Manager) Solists: Tal Ganor - Soprano, Nitzan Alon - Alto, Yair Polishook - Bariton, Oshri Segev - Ten
16 November Tel Aviv Museum
Harlap Requiem , Mozart Vespearae Solennes, Schubert Unfinished Symphony, Avi Ostrowski, Conducting the Israel Sinfonietta Beer Sheva, Kfar sava Symphonic Choir (Ahron Harlap Musical Manager), Emeq Hefer Choir (Shimon Levtov, Musical Manager) Solists: Tal Ganor - Soprano, Nitzan Alon - Alto, Yair Polishook - Bariton, Oshri Segev - Tenor,

Music Videos

You can enjoy our music anytime, anywhere.
Hallelujah (Handel - Messiah) 03:50
The Emek Hefer Chamber Choir under the direction of Chorus Master Shimon Levtov perform "Hallelujah" from Handel's Messiah with conductor Omri Hadari.
Haydn's Theresienmasse" Kyrie 05:24
Ada Pelleg conducting The Netanya Kibbutz Orchestra, The Emek Hefer Choir; and soloists Ira Bertman, Svetlana Sandler, Eitan Drori and Alexei Kanonikov; in the performance of Haydn's Theresenmasse.
Credo Kodaly-Missa Brevis 03:59
The Emek Hefer Chamber Choir perform "Credo" from Kodaly's "Missa Brevis" for Chorus, Organ and six soloists together with Hungarian and Singaporean choirs under the direction of conductor Shimon Levtov, as part of the Kodaly festival in Hungary 2006.
Sheleg al Iri 03:41
The Emek Hefer Chamber Choir perform Sheleg al Iri (Snow on my Town) by Naomi Shemer arranged by Gil Aldema.

Concert Photos


  • Andres Mustonen - Recommendation for Yuri Stern Prize

    "Dear Members of the Committee, It is with pleasure that I am writing to recommend Shimon Levtov for the Yuri Stern Prize.
    I have known Maestro Levtov for the past four years. During this period of time I have invited him to perform at the international Estonian-Israeli music festival MustonenFest Tallinn - Tel Aviv, we have collaborated on major works such as the Verdi Requiem, the Dvorak Requiem, Beethoven's 9th Symphony, and are about to undertake a project of Carmina Burana by Orff. These complex masterpieces require the highest command of musical craft, which Shimon Levtov fully possesses. The choirs he directs are always prepared with utmost professionalism. In fact, it has been striking for me to meet this level of preparedness time and again, and I look forward to future opportunities to work together. There have been a few projects that have included outstanding choirs from Estonia and Latvia, and it is worth noting that the musical integration between these choirs and the choirs directed and prepared by Shimon has been as smooth as it could be. This is a nuanced skill that is rare to encounter as performed on such a high level. I have also attended rehearsals of the numerous choirs conducted by Shimon Levtov and can attest to the way the professionalism of his craft and the infectious enthusiasm are evidenced in these rehearsals, and win everyone over.
    Shimon Levtov is one of the best conductors in Israel; I give him my highest recommendation."

  • Aharon Harlap - Conductor of the Kefar Sava Chamber Choir

    As the conductor of the Kefar Sava Chamber Choir, I have had the opportunity to join forces with Shimon Levtov and his wonderful Emek Hefer choir on several occasions.
    Our first joint meeting was with my Requiem a few years ago. As usual, Shimon prepared his choir meticulously, so that all was needed was to work musically together and not be concerned with rhythmic or note errors. Also his excellent knowledge of the human voice and its capabilities was felt throughout all the rehearsals. His warm up exercises with both choirs are always a treat, and I am happy to say that we are now preparing together once again , a performance of the Faure Requiem at the Hechal Hatarbut in Kefar Sava.
    Towards the end of next year, we will also be performing Mozart’s “Vesperae solennes de confessore “ and my Requiem together. Looking very much forward to this, and am delighted to share once again the stage with Shimon Levtov and the Emek Hefer Choir. In deep gratitude,

  • Habama - (The Stage) Magazine

    ''The third section of the program was made up of a series of songs sung by the rock band 'The Yehudim'
    and the Emek Hefer Choir. Forty singers dressed in brown robes with pointed hoods, under the baton of their
    white-haired conductor Shimon Levtov, were the background accompaniment to gospel rock songs ''What about you'',
    ''You gotta leave me'' and others. The choir augmented the background sound to the songs which were enthusiastically received by the huge audience. It was a great 'double success' - firstly of the visual and sound effects, and secondly for the once-in-a-lifetime project."

  • Mordechai Shalev - Competition Manager Association of Friends of Music Culture in Abu Gosh

    "The Emek Hefer Chamber Choir has for many years performed throughout Israel. In recent years and under the baton of Shimon Levtov, it has reached new heights. This amateur choir of excellent voices and attractive repertoire has performed very well with various instrumental groups. The choir's obvious 'mixture' of young, fresh voices added to those of mature members has resulted in fine choral singing. Conductor Shimon Levtov, in a short time, has successfully raised the standard of singing to a new level and the proof is in the awards received by the choir. Recently the choir participated in an A Capella competition in Abu Gosh to a very warm welcome from the audience
    and the judges. I warmly recommend that the Emek Hefer Chamber Choir receive support from the Israel Ministry of Culture."

  • Maya Shavit - Chairman Hallel – the Israel Choral Organisation

    "It is with pleasure that I recommend the Emek Hefer Chamber Choir and Conductor Shimon Levtov as applicants
    for financial support. It is easy for me to guage the achievements of the choir since I was one of its conductors
    before I founded the Efroni Choir.
    The choir has had a few conductors but only under the leadership of Shimon Levtov have they developed into a fine
    body of amateur singers who have become a choir of excellence.
    I therefore recommend that the Emek Hefer Chamber Choir be given not only financial assistance but that they be
    recognized for their contribution to choral singing in Israel."